Unfortunately our industry is unregulated so that means you need to do your homework first. To help, we’ve put together a few tips so you make an informed decision in choosing the right company from the outset.

Things to Consider

GOOGLE – Being on the first page of Google doesn’t mean they are an Expert.

CHECK REVIEWS – Check their rating. You want the good reviews to outweigh the bad reviews. Check them out on Google reviews, simply type their name and the word reviews after it into the Google Search Bar and see what you come up with.

STAY AWAY – from companies that consistently have bad reviews. In this day and age people are very quick to write a bad review. Even the GOOD companies (and they are out there) have bad reviews, but what you are looking for is a consistent trend in the bad reviews. This WILL be obvious when you start reading them. eg never return my phone calls, took my money and never showed up, took the cash and left without doing the clean.

COMPARE – Make sure you are comparing APPLES with APPLES. When getting a quote, ensure you give the same information to everyone. I’d suggest you write down exactly what you want done.

· CARPET – list ALL carpeted areas bedrooms, combined living areas, to walk in wardrobes, hallways and small landing areas at the top and/or of the stairs
NB. It is important to disclose ALL areas and the condition of the property because if you don’t ANY company that you choose will ask for extra on the day.

STAINS – If anyone says they will provide a FREE Stain Treatment. Ask them ONE question. “Does this stain treatment include removal of the stain or is this extra”. Any experienced carpet cleaner knows that stains are an unknown until we get onsite. A STAIN TREATMENT is the process one takes to attempt removal. NO certified technician will ever guarantee removal over the phone.

GENERAL Stain Removal occurs during the normal cleaning process and incurs no additional charge.

ADVANCED Stain Removal requires specialised treatment products, extra time and incurs additional charge. Sometimes with move-outs it is a small price to pay.

PRICE – Ensure you know how they charge.

· CARPET CLEANING – Is it a room rate or a price per m².
(Both of these can be hourly rates or m² disguised as a room rate – ASK THE QUESTION)
CARPET CLEANING – Ask when you are getting a quote if they are WoolSafe approved. They should be able to provide you with their Accreditation when they are onsite. Companies like ours that take pride in our workmanship and reputation, generally enforce this as a standard requirement. This industry is completely unregulated so companies like ours regulate from within and require all technicians be Certified. The WoolSafe Certification Mark is widely recognised in many parts of the world as the standard for excellence and safety of carpet care chemicals, both for professionals and consumers.

Also ask about the chemicals they use. A Company claiming that they clean to Australian Standards should not be using products that contain optical brighteners like Tinopal. Also speak to the technician about the processes they offer, a good carpet cleaner will know which process suits your carpet best, don’t let them sell you a dual process as in most cases this is pointless and just costs you money.

TERMS & CONDITIONS – Any reputable business will have standard terms and conditions and these should be available on their website or upon request. You should read these carefully, understand them, and ensure that if you have any questions or concerns about them you raise this with the company before you engage their services. Premium Fabric Protection display’s its Terms & Conditions on its website and we encourage all customers to read these carefully.

We’d love to preserve your treasures.

Get in touch with our friendly team today.