Premium Fabric Protection is the Authorised Applicator for
Fiber ProTector® in Tasmania.
Fabric Protection
Fiber ProTector® is the most effective 1st line of defense against soiling, staining and the environment and the most technically advanced and effective fiber protection system available.
It’s designed to help keep fibers clean and stain free and protect the fibres and colour of your furnishings for longer, maintaining a textile’s original appearance while extending its service life cycle.
Fiber ProTector®
The advantages of using Fiber ProTector® products and services
• Provides easy stain release and removal
• Prolongs the life of your upholstery and carpets
• Effective shield against most oil and water based stain causing liquids
• Protects against UV sun-fading
• Reduces wear and tear
• Makes vacuuming more effective
• Improves indoor air quality
• Prevents the spread of unwanted bacteria and germs
• Improves professional deep cleaning, saving you time and money
• Reduces necessary amount of chemicals and water needed for cleaning